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Boy18Tube.com is a gay porn tube that has been a awesome place to visit. Since I arrived on Boy18Tube, I have been impressed with the amount of porn, the quality of porn and the length of the porn. First of all, the front page Boy18Tube.com is good and nice, but it is nothing new, I have seen the same design or should I say style… on hundreds of porn sites out there, but regardless, the boy18tube.com homepage is smooth and easy to use thanks to the various options available on the front page.
Before I get into the navigation and categories, let’s talk about the results on the front page of boy18tube. Is it appropriate to call it results if we didn’t search for it? Anyways, the videos displayed on the front page are enormous, I’m not talking about the length or diameter of the parts involved but the number of options on the front page. And you can keep scrolling to view more.
So how’s the navigation? Well, it’s good. Actually, boy18tube is easy to use. I love how everything is in place and reachable for easy access. The different categories available on the site can be found on the left-hand side of the front page, the header menu is full of options that you will find useful, and there’s even a search bar!
Instead of playing by the rules and going ahead with the type of results displayed on the first page, which are the most popular videos on boy18tube—you can basically select other options like newest to view the latest videos or hottest to see the creamiest thing the brothers out there are watching.
And categories? Boy18tube got you covered with categories like bondage, boyfriend, black, blonde, twink, toys, webcam, and lots more. Think selecting your favorite gay porn category is a hassle? Exhaust your fantasies on the search bar and go crazy with the best thing you can think of.
I wasn’t shocked, I was a bit surprised that the porn videos came out better than I expected but it wasn’t out of reach. The videos on boy18tube are clear and easy to watch. The quality should be somewhere between 360p and 480p depending on the video you come across. But you get the basic gist, they are clear and nice.
There is that little playback preview that happens when you hover over a video, in case you wanna get some quick action or peek into the video before deciding to watch it. And on the video page, you have features like the comment section, ratings, and some other shits that make the experience smooth.
The ads are literally everywhere—the front page, categories page, homepage, and so on, it’s just so annoying and shitty. You get video ads, pop-up ads, and in-play ads… man these admins wanna milk us hard without even touching the little dude!
What do I think about Boy18tube?
Boy, you know what I think. But since I gotta get paid, I’m gonna have to spell it out for you, I think it is great and it is perfect for getting some gay porn videos down your bloodstream but the overuse and display of ad spaces are just freaking annoying.
Although you can get through those with some adblocker… hmm, never mind, I’m not about to teach you some shit. If you can use it without the ads bothering you, then welcome to the paradise of cocks and locks my brother.