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When you enter BoyzTube, you’ll see an option to sign up for free to get additional perks, their search box that’ll help you start looking for your new fapping material, and today’s trending video. They’ll play you a preview of the video, but you won’t be able to see it in full until you either upload your own solo clip or sex tape that lasts at least 15 minutes or sign up. Luckily, signing up is free of charge and can be done in just a few minutes.
Below that, you’ll see thumbnails of BoyzTube’s other trending videos, but most of them you won’t be able to play at all until you create an account. Signing up will also give you many additional options, such as to rate the site’s content and leave your comments under the videos you’re watching.
BoyzTube is a bit of a disappointment, to be honest. There is a lot of potential for this gay site, but without a nicer design and some HD porn, BoyzTube will never make it into the big time.
If BoyzTube were to make the design of this site a little more modern and less crunchy and boost the power behind the website so they could start introducing some HD gay porn to it, BoyzTube would be great! Honestly, I think if BoyzTube did this, the site could rival PornHub’s gay section!
The last thing I need to mention about Boyz Tube is that it doesn’t have a large number of adverts.