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If you are searching for some of the most extensive and impressive porn libraries, then you will like what I’m about to say now. FapHouse is a porn site that gives you the chance to check out around 520,000 individual scenes (as of the time of writing), all of which are available under a single subscription plan. While their main focus has been on straight content since the launch of the site, you will also find a substantial amount of gay porn on this large site. Read this review and see what FapHouse Gay provides.
FapHouse Gay has thousands of gay porn videos, and its gallery keeps growing at a very healthy pace. There you will find content produced by some of the best gay porn studios and sites in the industry. Some of the most notable ones are Say Uncle, Family Dick, Men Network, Next Door Studios, Manalized, and many, many others. The exact number of videos is hard to determine, as it changes every single day. You can expect plenty of Full HD and 4K content and downloads.
The user interface is easy on the eyes, at least for me. FapHouse combines black, white, and yellow, plus uses modern fonts and thumbnails. On top of that, there is a wide range of categories, a basic search box, and a couple of other usability features. Overall, the site isn’t hard to browse at all, but it would benefit from adding several more features.
There aren’t almost any drawbacks to this porn subscription, at least I haven’t been able to find them. Apart from the fact that the site is missing a few more search tools, there’s nothing I wish FapHouse would change. FapHouse Gay remains a good source of premium gay porn videos, and if you don’t mind the fact that the content isn’t exclusive, I recommend joining it.