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Owner of the site writes: “We are an official Fraternity at a University in Arizona just outside of Phoenix. We created a gay porn site to help put us through college. We cannot say our fraternity name or letters for obvious reasons so online we call ourselves FraternityX.
A lot of people ask if were gay or straight. Most of us only fuck dudes on camera. So we consider ourselves straight. We have plenty of have girls and bitches to bang on the side. But we fuck each other for money.
Some of us have done porn in the past but never created our own site. Its been really tough, and is a lot of work to maintain. We deserve every penny of your monthly membership fee. So if you’re not a member and like watching the previews, try subscribing to the site. We promise you won’t be disappointed.”
Ok, These guys are true amateurs and enjoy sucking cock, fucking and getting fucked. You’re going to see some hot rimming, cum swallowing and make out sessions too in these scenes. These college guys are so hot and horny for cock, you’re going to love seeing every single second of the action unfold before your eyes.