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GayBoysTube.com is a free gay site with a simple design, and there you will find many porn videos and photo galleries starring both amateurs and famous gay pornstars. There’s a wide variety of categories, and you’ll see everything from solo masturbation scenes to wild and intense gay orgies. At the moment, GayBoysTube.com has thousands of pages of content, and it keeps growing at a rapid pace.
The thing I really liked is that there’s a separate section for photos. While none of the photos I’ve seen so far were high-res, they’re large enough and the overall quality is satisfactory. On a more negative note, gayboystube.com has many ads and the quality of the videos is very low. Many of them are grainy and almost blurry. You can still enjoy the hot hardcore action this site offers, but the quality is quite bad, even for a tube site.
seit längerer Zeit, ca.3h, versuche ich den angeführten Link zu öffnen, welches zwar funktioniert, aber die Videos öffnen sich nicht, und auf der Seite erscheinen viele weiße Abbildungen, also die Videos werden nicht mit Bild angezeigt. Ich bitte höflichst um Überprüfung, Wahrscheinlich ein Serverproblem, denn vorgestern funktionierte noch alles tadellos.
Danke für Ihre Bemühungen, MfG. Michael
I had already written to you once in relation to the website “www.gayboystube.com”. The photo series can now be opened, including individual photos, everything seems to be fine.
Unfortunately, the opening of the videos does not work! The video pages can be opened, but the videos cannot. When clicking on the video, the error message: “No video with supported MIME TYPE format found” appears! It cannot be due to the Internet browser “Firefox”, I rather assume that something is wrong with the server. It would be very nice if this deficiency could be remedied soon!
With best regards.
it concerns “www.gayboystube.com” – the pages open, but no pictures / representations of the videos appear. The same applies to the Photos area, the pages open, but here too no photos / representations are visible. Something is wrong with your server. Regrettably!
With best regards.
leider öffnet sich “gayboystube” nicht, und zeigt stets links unten cdn an.(warten auf cdn…) Es entsteht keine Verbindung zu gayboystube. Sobald ich die Seite öffnen möche, kommt diese Anzeige: “Hmmm…diese Seite ist leider nicht erreichbar”. Die Ladezeit der Seite dauert zu lange. (Fehler: Netzwerk-Zeitüberschreitung)