Fav Gay Porn is the most popular collection of free gay porn sites, best blogs, top free porn tubes, most popular live gay webcams and more. This selection presents several different diaries divided by categories. Save Favgayporn.com in your bookmarks to discover the most updated list of top rated and favorite gay porn sites in the world. This website is and will always be FREE.
I assume most people don’t download their porn when they come to a regular tube site. I’m just assuming here. I mean, isn’t it simpler and safer to just stream the god damn thing right on the spot? I think so. You won’t pick up a virus, cookies and all the jolly stuff that comes with free porn downloading. That’s the reason why I don’t download porn from free websites. If the ones you pay for give you an option to download the porn, cool, I can live with that but I don’t like paying for my porn in general. I’m cheap that way, sue me! Anyway, you already know that Gaysonic.eu isn’t exactly the kind of website I go for when I want to check out some spicy porn, but here we are. God works in mysterious ways.
By now you probably have an idea what Gaysonic.eu is about. It’s a website that is all about free gay porn you can download. Sounds great, right? Everyone loves free porn, but I understand if you’re paranoid about downloading. However, from what I’ve seen, the porn here doesn’t exactly give you viruses or anything. Whoopady-doo! The websites these pornos are uploaded to are usually quite trustworthy, at least from what I’ve seen. I mean, Rapidgator never let me down, at least not until now, but I don’t think it will happen any time soon, either way. Upstore is also a website where these are posted quite often, and that one is good as well.
An issue I have with a lot of websites these days is their home page. It’s not about some little unimportant details and stuff like that, rather, they often don’t categorize their videos, and that sucks dick! You probably want to see some kind of gay sex, and there’s some kind of gay sex you don’t want to see, and this is why categories are so important. Luckily enough, categories exist in here, and while there are only a few, these are the most popular gay categories, so I guess they will do the job. You got bareback movies, you got group sex, twinks, military men, daddies, solo movies and even bisexual movies. Everything a gay dude would wish for.
If you want to get a preview of the movies you want to watch, well, you won’t exactly get what you expect. I mean, I expect to get like at least a small taste of what I’m about to see, I don’t want to download random porn until I get something I like. I want to know what I’m getting myself into. A small clip would be ideal, but no, you get a couple of frames from the video, and that’s it. You get to see a big ass thumbnail with an HD picture from the porno, and when you click on the thumbnail you get to see 24 more shots from the movies, imagine that. Then, you better download the video unless you want to waste your time beating your meat to 24 pictures made for ants. Someone probably did that in the past because they were too paranoid to download the movie. Can you imagine that? Well, men in heat do silly things.
I’m sad to say that there’s not much to say about Gaysonic.eu, really. The only straight thing about GaySonic.eu is the fact that it is very straight-up with what it does, you know. Do you want porn? You get your porn. There’s not much sugarcoating here. The design of the page is very simple and WordPressy, and I’ll be honest, even though it could look better (but I assume the budget of the page wasn’t high enough, so it ended up being the way it is), it’s very easy to use, and I like that a lot. You’ll see that there is a lot of porn here. For example, around 38 thousand bareback videos have been posted here so far, and there will be plenty more. 105 thousand videos that are completely free to download. 6 thousand solo videos, and so on, and so on. Now that’s a whole lot of wanking material right there son!
GaySonic.eu looks like the closet. You know what I mean? THE closet. It’s gay as hell in here, and I assume that will do the job for most of you fellas. A lot of content, a lot of content you can download and hide on your phone or on your personal computer or whatever. Go and check it out.
no longer uses rapidgator :’-(