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VidGay is an excellent French gay porn site, and it’s all free. This porn tube is in French, but you can translate it in your browser. And you will want to do that because it comes with some excellent content. Most of the porn shared on this tube features French gay men. It’s either coming from premium sites or from amateur couples. We love that premium porn is most of the time available in full-length. Some of the videos are one hour long, and you can stream them for free in your browser. But the amateur content is also worth it. You’ll enjoy couples and fuck buddies fucking in sex tapes that were leaked on the web. You’ll also enjoy lots of self-shot solo masturbation videos in which hotties are jerking off or fucking their ass with dildos.
The site is excellently designed. Not only that is all content well tagged and divided into many hot categories. But the platform also comes with a model index with profiles for some of the most popular porn stars on the platform. You will also find some American and European gay models in this index because the collection is not entirely french. But most of the models are indeed from France.