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ManSurfer.com has a really specific color scheme and design. Personally, I didn’t like the design of the site, as I think it looks way too outdated, but I must admit that the site is easy to browse once you get used to it. The only feature missing on it is a search box, I hope they’ll add it in the near future.
When it comes to the content, Man Surfer doesn’t disappoint. They have all sorts of gay sex videos, and their collection keeps growing every single day. The diversity is really nice, which you’ll notice as soon as you check out the category names. From frat orgies to European twinks who suck cocks and get rewarded with cum through glory holes, ManSurfer has all the gay porn you need.
On a more serious note, their design might be a bit crowded but it’s also user-friendly: everything is about videos and you can even see how many stars the users gave them. In order to rate vids you’d have to register and that’s completely free. Membership gives you more options but it’s otherwise nothing special. If you love all kinds of hot guys and want to watch excellent gay porn for free – bookmark this site and you’ll enjoy it!