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There was a time when intergenerational sites caused a bit of a controversy, and terms like dads and sons got banned. But recently they seem to be making a comeback and My First Daddy is one of the more recent additions to this particular genre. Here you have a set of movies that all feature an older guy, and by older we mean from 40 to 70 at a rough guess. These guys are sometimes your suited, older, professional guy, sometimes they are more like your casual granddad, and sometimes they are simply older bears. But all of them are sexy in their own ways, with different sized guys both around the middle aged spread and the cock departments. And all of them like to get off either solo or with a younger playmate. You’ve got dads on top of younger guys here, and younger guys on top of dads, all the variations of suck, fuck and cum in your 20 minute or so movies, and some very horny moments all mixed in. The younger guys are the ones who’ve ‘not done this before’ and so it’s neat that they get interviewed before embarking on their action scenes. There are subtitles if the guy doesn’t speak English, and some of the boys are bordering on twinks – though mainly, I’d say, they were in their mid twenties. Whatever their ages there is always a clear generation gap between them and their daddies and some of the hottest moments come when the studly rugger-player types get fucked by the grandpas. Getting around the site is easy enough, the links and menu are clear and easy to use, and there is a model index, and many pics of featured guys to get you started. It’s a well designed site and well looked after, so for hot older on younger porn you should have no qualms about signing up here.