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Queermenow.net/blog/ is a blog that focuses on the hardcore gay porn environment. Its purpose is to ensure that you, the reader, are kept up to date and informed on all the latest developments in the world of gay porn. Their regular daily updates look at the biggest names in gay porn, the stars you need to know about and stories that may interest those that have a keen love of everything gay porn.
Note that Queer Me Now isn’t exactly the most safe for work blog out there, so if you’re at work and looking for someone to show you just how approachable gay lifestyle blogs are – look elsewhere baby! This place is all about hot gay sex and nothing else. Hardcore ass fucking, bukkake parties, amateur rimming and everything else in between in the bread and butter of this fantastic gay blog.
Queer Me Now is a gay porn blog that’s been spitting out gay porn since 2009. Here you can see pictures from lots of different paysites and porn studios, spread over the 1400 pages that have been piled up since launch. The pictures links directly to the paysites the content is from, instead of the full-size version of the image. That is quite annoying, but if you are surfing on a phone, the pictures are big enough. No popups or excessive advertising on Queer Me Now either.
Check it out today and see for yourself, I doubt you’ll be disappointed.