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SeanCody is one of the biggest names in porn. With its dedication to good-looking, toned and simply gorgeous American amateurs it has become one of the most prolific sites going. With a long running reputation for featuring steamy sex and hot men the Sean Cody site has become a brand in its own right. So lets see if the site lives up to its reputation.
The actual layout of the site is surprisingly simple, with big, clear movie clips and pictures. While it may be simple it is one of the easiest sites to navigate I have come across in some time. All the scenes are available for non members to preview and there is a 1 minute clip and accompanying pictures of every scene so you can check out all the content prior to joining.
As this site has been running for so long there is a huge amount of content. At the time of this review there were over 1600 videos, each accompanied by a set of high quality photos and screen shots. All the movies are available to view on the site, or to download with no DRM. The quality of the content is remarkable, every scene I checked out (and there were many!) was crystal clear and filmed to a fantastic standard. The camera work is some of the best around, with every bit of action captured to its fullest.
The guys featured on Sean Cody are all American jocks ranging from their late teens to early thirties. While the guys all have great toned bodies and handsome features in common there is a nice mix of smooth and hairy guys and the variety of age ranges is just right. This is where the clean cut images come to an end, and these guys are not shy when it comes to the sex and there is plenty of hard ass pounding, deep throat oral and verbal action! The content is a mix of solo jerk off and toy sessions as well as couples getting down to the a fore mentioned steamy action. When it comes to the sex I was totally absorbed by the intensity between the models, and I have to say the producers do a great job of pairing up guys who are clearly into each other. For reference Sean Cody made the transition to bare back sex a few years ago and for me this has only added to the chemistry and enjoyment of the scenes.
I’m sure you can tell by my glowing praise I am very impressed by this site. From start to cum covered finish every scene is an absolute pleasure to view. with fantastic filming, real passion and chemistry between the guys, and the sheer good looks of the models this site ticks every box on how to run a porn site. Not only does this site deliver a fantastic amount of quality content, it offers great value for money. With membership start at less than $1 per day its hard to say that this isn’t a fantastic deal. So if you have been looking for a site that offers the hottest men, great sex and regular updates I cant recommend Sean Cody highly enough.