Fav Gay Porn is the most popular collection of free gay porn sites, best blogs, top free porn tubes, most popular live gay webcams and more. This selection presents several different diaries divided by categories. Save Favgayporn.com in your bookmarks to discover the most updated list of top rated and favorite gay porn sites in the world. This website is and will always be FREE.
A lot of gay porn sites nowadays require you to pay a pesky subscription, but know that free is the best price. Of course, them sites will still make money and people will still try to watch porn for free. I remember back in the day watching porn for free all the time, yet I still bought subscriptions regularly. It feels like a try before you buy, but it’s a grey area. Anyway, I’m here to review gay.xtapes.to not talk about the pro’s and con’s of piracy. No, this isn’t a torrent site, this is a site dedicated to streaming full videos. It requires no downloads whatsoever, just pure streaming fun. So if you’re looking for scenes from the biggest studios, or full movies from the biggest pornstars, look no further than gay.xtapes.to.
Here we go again
Upon landing on gay.xtapes.to, you are greeted to a questionable design, very bland and simple indeed. It has a simple black and teal theme, I have never seen that before. I also have never seen a chatbox in the top right-hand corner either, which was very peculiar. It was mainly guys spamming their sex services and hoping someone responds, or it’s just full of chatbots which scour websites for such things. Either way, you can minimise it, and I did that instantly. I don’t want that ruining my mood. It may be alright for some, but I think it just looks out of place and ugly, plus have you ever seen anyone use these boxes for anything constructive? It’s just a haven for spam.
Now onto the design itself, it has the usual suspects. The navbar at the top, which has a few links to categories and models, and another porn directory site. Then it has quite an impressive list of videos, all sorted by recently uploaded. It also has a “Latest Movies” section, which is just full length movies themselves, not only just the scenes. The preview of these, are the actual DVD/Blu-ray cover.
I also found the thumbnails to be quite small, but maybe that’s because of my browser. There was no preview when hovered over them, which, as you know, annoys me greatly. It’s such a simple feature, which needs to be implemented more. Each video shows the number of views and likes, judging by the view count these videos are very popular. It also shows the runtime, and each individual scene is over twenty minutes long, which is quite impressive. The full movies obviously run for a lot longer, ranging from anywhere between one hour and thirty minutes and two and a half hours.
Navigation options are nice
We usually take navigation for granted, but you’d be shocked at how many sites struggle with the basic. Xtapes has quite decent nav options. The categories have a nice dropdown of the most popular categories if you hover. However, if you click on the actual categories link, it will display even more. You will get categories of studios, so if you have a favourite studio, then make sure to use this option. It has a pornstar section, unfortunately it only displays them by images. If you have no idea who pornstars, then this may be slightly confusing, as they don’t list by name. However, this is a good way to discover new talent by browsing the galleries.
At this point in time, there are over 700 full length movies to enjoy. Now, I don’t know how much free time you have to watch them all, but you certainly have time to enjoy a few of them at least. They are all nicely titled, and a fair few popular titles in there. You can access these by clicking the top “Full Movies” button, and then they will be sorted by latest uploaded. Obviously it goes without saying, but some people may not know this, you can change the filter by date added, so you can see the older videos.
There is a gay porn games tab, which I found also odd, I’ve never seen that before. To my pleasant surprise, it was filled with pages upon pages of free to play gay porn games. I decided to have a go myself, being a gamer. However, these required no skill and were basically a porn flip book. Some had decent animated, but some were awful and rubbish. I would tread carefully here, these are some of the crudest gay porn games I’ve seen. However, there were some funny and enjoyable ones in there. Finding them will be a game in itself.
Over 16000 gay porn videos apparently
Now onto the movies themselves, the site claims they have over 16k worth. Now I have no way to verify that, so we will have to take their word for it, won’t we? I mean, they have no reason to lie. It seems a fairly established site, and judging by the amount of views each video has, it does seem to be popular.
Each video page has two different players, which I found to be different. I have never seen anything like this. I then realised it’s because xtapes doesn’t host any of the videos itself, they host on third party websites. I presume one is the main video and the other is a backup. Still, it’s free and I can’t complain. That was until I couldn’t play a video without disabling an ad blocker, which was a huge red flag for me. For testing purposes I disabled it, and when clicking play I was hit with one or two pop-up ads. I then re-enabled the ad blocker and chose the other player, and had no issues playing it. Be careful, and never disable an ad blocker. I had no issues with the streaming speed of the videos or the quality, in fact, some even let me pick 2160p. A lot of the newer full movies from 2023 have good quality, and of course the older movies have the worst.
Using these players on mobile was quite a pain. A lot of cell devices don’t have built in ad blocks or pop-up blocks, and as we know, closing ads on a mobile is a pain in the ass. I hate doing it, so I wouldn’t browse this site on there. One click on a player, and you will be dealing with an infestation of three to four ads. It’s a nightmare in my eyes, and totally not worth it. Unless you have super quick fingers, and are able to close down pops at the speed of light.
They have quite a diverse selection of videos, and judging from the categories you will find every type of video. So if you have a particular niche that makes your dick rock solid, you will have no issues finding them. I saw from the comments that the twink videos were very popular, especially when it comes to people talking about them, at least. I found a lot of other genres didn’t have many comments. I love reading peoples comments, especially the broken English ones. I have a hard time telling what is spam and what is not.
A decent site which is only going to improve
I know I’ve given xtapes quite a bad rep in some departments, but it does exactly what it needs to. It provides you with full length and high quality gay porn, for the low price of free. How many sites can you say do that? They’ve gone the extra mile to keep the banner ads to a minimum, but the players suffer with pop-ups. However, that’s because they host them on third parties with no control of them ads. I presume they can’t afford their own server, or don’t want to get in trouble hosting copyrighted material. That’s my guess, anyway.
The navigation is nice and easy to use, my only issue is the lack of labels in the pornstar section and the gay games section could use some work. They seem to be reskins of each other, and mainly only single player with no real goal in them. Just mindless nude and crude images, which won’t turn anyone on, unless your brand new to gay porn games. Overall, the site is uploading daily and publishing new content all the time from the biggest studios, and the hottest full length movies of this year. Just make sure to have your ad blocker ready, or you might be in for a rough and frustrating time.